~ Marienhausen, 12.04.2022 ~

Marienhausen is a little village in the Westerwald region, laid picturesquely against a hill if you approach it from one direction (unfortunately nophotos of that.) A main street runs from an uninteresting more recent residential area uphill down past the church until it forks and leads to more widely spaced old farmsteads and some newer homes.

The Holy Mother, patron of the village, is honoured with a statue in a little park overlooking the surroundings.

The church is unfortunately very modern inside.

There is nothing in the way of infrastructure or businesses, other than a car workshop at the edge of the village, but the nearest larger town is a mere 2–3 minutes by car.

Despite that, Marienhausen has a certain charme. There are a couple of perspectives which suggest a greater depth, more than there actually is.