~ Rheinbrohl, 13.05.2022 ~
It doesn't have a promenade as its river bank is covered by industry, and its old town isn't particularly beautiful either.
The church was closed, but perched atop the hill it afforded a panoramic view of the valley.
A few narrow streets and roads wind back downhill towards the main street.
There were a few little Pietàs scattered throughout the town.
Apparently the Roman Limes ran through it once, explaining the row of Roman-themed frescoes.
As a general rule of thumb, if a town or city advertises itself as “The [Something] City,” it doesn't have much else going for it.
Hidden in one corner lay what must have been the heart of the mediæval town: a small church and a charming town hall.
Rheinbrohl viewed from the other side of the Rhine is a series of factories, a big smokestack, and behind these a cluster of houses and a church on a hill. From up close, this first impression unfortunately holds true, although it has a few small, charming corners.
Rheinbrohl is a town on the eastern side of the Rhine.