~ Brohl-Lützing, 09.03.2024 ~

Brohl-Lützing is a village along the Rhine and along tbe B9 highway. I've passed by it countless times, but never actually explored it before.

A railroad separates the harbour and a row or two of former farmsteads from the main street.
I had to wait some 10 minutes until I could cross.

The church was unfortunately closed

Up the street, mostly houses and a few small businesses, is the town's main square.

This villa is for sale, if anyone's interested.

The town's residential areas spiral up the side of the valley, with a few steep flights of stairs acting as shortcuts between the different levels.

A nice little chapel.

The biggest business in the town is Brohler mineral water plant. It has its own dock; the harbour is shared with a yachting club.

On the other side of the Rhine lies Rheinbrohl.

I did not discover any pearls in Brohl-Lützing, but it was nice to fill out this part of the map.